Page 1 of Assassin's Creed Unity Vs. Review Bomb <3 Notre Dame

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Assassin's Creed Unity Vs. Review Bomb <3 Notre Dame

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st May 2019, 21:30

Valve wasn't 'really sure what to do' following Assassin's Creed Unityreview surge

The system first took effect when a wave of negative reviewshit Borderlands games after it was announced that Borderlands 3 would be an Epic Games Store exclusive, but did not trigger when a large volume of positive reviews hit Assassin’s Creed Unity weeks later to praise the game’s recreation of the Notre Dame cathedral.

Ubisoft opted to give Assassin’s Creed Unity away for free on its Uplay store following the Notre Dame fire as a way to give players a way to explore Ubisoft’s in-game recreation of the cathedral, and donated $500,000 to the restoration effort as well. Valve says that the promotion ultimately led to more players buying and playing the game on Steam as well as the positive reviews began to flow in.
Genius tax deductable charity donation and free advertising and nice gesture all rolled into one :)

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