Page 1 of any idea on the best xbox deal

Gaming and Consoles Forum

any idea on the best xbox deal

jeffree (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th March 2005, 12:57

I`m tempted to buy a xbox as want to play tiger woods / sonic / football manager games

problem is, I`m quite a haggler over prices and wondering where the best deals are to be found? Ideally I want a game to go with the package deal - £80 - £100

RE: any idea on the best xbox deal

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th March 2005, 15:06

I think it`s normally anout £99.99 or thereabouts with a free game in most places.

Comet had some good package deals with about 5 games for £130 or maybe try Toys-r-us.

Either way, they are stunning value for money.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

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