Page 1 of xbox smartxx v.2 mod

Gaming and Consoles Forum

xbox smartxx v.2 mod

DASS (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th September 2004, 15:27

hello,ive just took delivery of my new crystal xbox,smartxx v.2 mod.
its got unleash x dashboard
avalaunch dashboard
evox dashboard
thc lite dashboard
boxplorer file manager
complex tools 1.60
dvd 2 xbox 5.9
hdd loader1.3a
links boks webbrowser
multiregion dvd player
pal-ntsc selector
xbox media centre 1.0
xbox watch
emulators surreal64 etc
has anyone got any idea what they all do and how to work them.thanks.

RE: xbox smartxx v.2 mod

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 17th September 2004, 16:11

unleash x dashboard
avalaunch dashboard
evox dashboard
thc lite dashboard
I`m not 100%, but aren`t these all different types of operating systems? My brother has an Xbox (I`m getting one delivered any time), and he used Evox.

boxplorer file manager
Exactly what it says I think, just a file manager.

dvd 2 xbox 5.9
hdd loader1.3a
HDD Loader is for copying games to your hard drive, so you don`t need to use the disc. The games can then be acessed from the main menu. I`m not 100%, but I`d imagine `dvd 2 xbox` is the same kind of thing.

links boks webbrowser
Just a web browser I assume?

multiregion dvd player
You know what this does, don`t you?

emulators surreal64 etc
Emulators! Old games! One of the best thing about having a modded Xbox!

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