Page 1 of Culdcept on PS2- Anyone played this little weirdo?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Culdcept on PS2- Anyone played this little weirdo?

elephant (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th January 2004, 15:59

Hello there,I`ve just been trying this game and it`s rather entertaining.It`s a cross between a board game (with several similarities to Monopoly) and a card battling game like Magic the Gathering.
There are 500 different cards and in theory it should be the direst worst game feels a bit different and could be a right little belter.
The presentation is excellent and the gameplay is extremely addictive with the potential for loads of strategy but also some there is an element of luck as to which cards you`ll get and where on the board you`ll land.
This certainly won`t have mass appeal but I reckon it could be a cult hit....for those strategists in the mood for something a little bit....strange.

RE: Culdcept on PS2- Anyone played this little weirdo?

elephant (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd February 2004, 23:47

Howdy pardners,Been playing this a while now and it`s excellent...There`s a mass of strategy.At the end of each level u win a few cards that u can place into your pack for the next battle.This means that u have to get rid of some too......During the fights it`s a balancing act between keeping good monsters in your hand for fighting if u land on an enemy square......or placing them on the board to trap the enemy when he lands on that square.....ah....many options.
This does play very simlar to Monopoly and I`d go as far to say if u like the board game u should love this.... :D .
One seems insanely difficult! I`m only on the second level and have just been hammered by the computer guy......who never seems to make an error.I hope this doesn`t ruin the game.I`m sure it won`t as every other aspect of the game is quality.
This is a real `gamers game` for someone looking for something fresh and who like sto think......hmmm. 8)

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