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Gaming and Consoles Forum

workmandvd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 15:36

hello, just thought i`d warn everybody about this website,and their customer relations,it stinks,my wife ordered a mission light gun for our boy for he`s birthday,she ordered it well in advance on the 8th of jan,we left it about 8 days before we thought let`s check it out,as it said,we should have it in about 3 to 5 days,so i gave them a ring,saying that it took me a good half an hour before somebody bothered to pick it up,anyway i asked if it had been sent out,and was told,by somebody who sounded like the phone had awakened him that they were waiting for that light gun to be sent to their warehouse,so i asked when do u think it would be sent,the following monday he said,ok then thanks bye,that was that,now i ring to find out whats going on today,and get told that they don`t sell that light gun,if u check u can quite clearly see it`s there,told to forget about my order,then he put the phone down on me, so be very careful of this site.

This item was edited on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 19:36

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