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games arent fun anymore???

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:25

i have just brought sonic mega collection on gcube and have realised how much games have changed.gone are the fun and enjoyable aspects of gaming,replaced by which has best graphics and which is the most powerful console.
bring back the fun,the simply ideas work the best and not whether it looks good.also there seems to lack originality,same games being tweaked year in year out and no significant changes,no wonder there is an issue with piracy.consumers wont pay 40 notes for a game that is only slightly better than the one previous to it and for it to be upgraded 6 months down the line with something that should have been put in it in the first place.

This item was edited on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:24

RE: games arent fun anymore???

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:55

Well, I think your are partially right. Thats why I`m getting a Gameboy Advance SP. Its like a SNES, but very small with a nice front-lit screen so I can see it in any light. This is why I never bought the original GBA.

I had a Mega Drive, but I have a SNES emulator with a ton of games and love quite a few.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

penzance (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 18:40

I find I get bored of my games very quickly, sometimes can`t be bothered to finish them.

I have stopped playing GTA vice city and I am not even half way through. Two player games are still fun, so is xbox live, I think the future is definately online gaming. Games like SW Galaxies and Fable, should give the much needed innovation. The only reason I might get a Gameboy SP is to play metroid and contra, my 2 alltime favorites.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 19:33

"games arent fun anymore???"

They are, but you`ve just grown out of them jonboy. Things always look better in retrospect.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 10:37

I agree with BenF.
I did some retro gaming the other week, the games were complete rc[at]p! I wondered what I really enjoyed about them? Great memories spoilt.

Games are better, it`s just that we`re all older and have other things to do in life rather than play games 24x7 like when you were a kid!

Well that`s how I feel anyway. I still enjoy games, but don`t have the time to finish them and enjoy them like I used to 15 years ago!

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 11:24

Exactly, Deano. If you go back and play on a Megadrive, SNES, Commodore 64 emulator, you`ll see that the games actually weren`t that good.

They`re far better now by a long long way, but as a child you would find them alot more entertaining. I find that boredom quickly kicks in when I play games, whereas it wouldn`t have done, say 12 years ago.

Perhaps as adults we just yearn for more thrilling activities?

RE: games arent fun anymore???

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 11:26

Same here. I dont really get the chance to finish games like i used to. The only games i really play now are `quick blasts` like UT2003 or counterstrike. THe last game i was arsed to finish was jedi knight, which took far longer than it should.

I bought the last tomb raider game and traded it for a new joypad before i got to the fourth level! I just could not be bothered with it.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 12:07

> the games were complete rc[at]p! I wondered what I really enjoyed
> about them? Great memories spoilt.

Ahhh, the old rose tinted specs .... although there was a lot of crap released on the "older" computers - Arcades, C64, Spectrum even ST and Amiga the real "classics" are still just that.

The games that relied on the elusive "gameplay" element are still as playable now. For example PacLand, Bubble Bobble, Jet Set Willy, Dynablaster, Elite, The Sentinal, Sensible Soccer, Rainbow Islands and Lemmings.. The games that tried to "push" a computer to its limits, or had a gimmick, are the games that definately haven`t stood the test of time.

Take Elite for example, the control method was tricky, there was no "get rich quick" cheat but you could take it as far as you like, and each little "update" that you got was a major achievement, the docking computer being the most major :-) and there is a version you can get now for the PC - FreeElite or soemthing I think it`s called - and it`s just as playable.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 13:31

We aren`t saying all retro games were crap, far from it. But out of all those great games you named, how many were released at the same time which were s***e? There were thousands of games alone for the Commodore 64, and you had to wade through the crap to find the classics.

RE: games arent fun anymore???

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2003, 16:01

So some people do agree with my point about retro gaming! I don`t see what all the fuss about, I think it`s just about trying to recapture your youth!

BenF metions above about the boredom factor, it`s because we`ve got better things to do in life than just play games!

I really wish I was 13 again and could forget about life, relationships and everyday s***, and just play games!!! I never get to finish anything anymore, I never get chance to master beat `em ups. I can`t sit down for hours like I did on Street Fighter learning every possible combo!! Ah... the good old days!

Craig T:- I will admit, Elite is still a classic even now (so perhaps not all are crap!).

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