Page 1 of Egg: Dr Who Ark in Space

Easter Eggs Forum

Egg: Dr Who Ark in Space

LordSummerisle (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 3rd May 2002, 03:01

This Easter Egg applies to the Region 2 of Dr Who Ark in Space

Go to Special Features menu, move pointer to left of Tom Baker Interview button until green Dr Who logo appears. Click on this to bring up ad for 1980s Who exhibition. Anyone got an egg for Robots of Death?

RE: Egg: Dr Who Ark in Space

andyuk70 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th May 2002, 18:43

No eggs on `Robots of Death` unfortunately.
The Doctor Who DVD`s which have eggs are
`The TV Movie` - (dedication to Jon Pertwee)
`Tomb of the Cybermen` -(`clean` title sequence, audio advert for `Abominable Snowmen` & Vidfired footage)
`Spearhead from Space` - (alternative Pertwee title sequence)
`Ark in Space` - (the ad you`ve mentioned above, a clapperboard sequence, and another ad for the DW exhibition)

If you need help finding any of these, let me know!!

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