Page 1 of Help: GODFATHER R2 easter eggs

Easter Eggs Forum

Help: GODFATHER R2 easter eggs

papanez (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:20

This request applies to the Region 2 of GODFATHER R2 easter eggs suggests a whole load of easter eggs on the R1 edition. Does anyone have the R2 box and can confirm these work on R2 too?

I want to know which region to go for...

RE: Help: GODFATHER R2 easter eggs

AlwaysDoubleDown (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 00:58

I dont know what eggs are available on R1 but i think R1 and R2 are identical in terms of extras.

I have seen the eggs on R2, and they are not really something that would swing your judgement either way.

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