Page 1 of Toshiba 100e and x files movie probs

DVDs & Films Forum

Toshiba 100e and x files movie probs

Thornastor (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 13:07

I just bought this fight the future film for a tenner and has noticed when on the main menu screen and wait for the music to stop the highlighted box around play movie disappears and you cannot start the film ( to see the film i have to press enter within 30 sec) and enter the special feature at all and thats with remote pressing. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks

And the 2 reviews of this film in this site about the dvd picture are not great. Peoples faces ie mulder/scully are soft and not that sharp it is a mix bag throught out the film with peoples faces slightly soft throught the film and some times sharp with some digital smearing on faces too.

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 13:21

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