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DVDs & Films Forum

Simpsons Season 3+

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 10:36

The Simpsons Season 1 was released in September 2001.
Season 2 is being released June 2002.

Does anyone know if Fox are going to speed up the production of these boxsets? Theres 13 series at the moment and although Matt Groening says he wants to stop making episodes I`m sure there will be 14 or 15 seasons (at least) when he does call it a day.

At this rate DVD will be dead before the 10th season is reeased.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 10:37

RE: Simpsons Season 3+

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 10:43

Crappy Star Trek Next Gen seems to be coming out quicker, but FOX own the rights to Simpsons and X-Files. X-Files comes slowly too. l can`t see Fox increasing their output of box sets per year anytime soon.

RE: Simpsons Season 3+

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 11:27

X-Files tend to be released once every 6/7 months (Season 4 region 1 was released last November). There isn`t going to be any more than 9 seasons of X-Files so I can see owning all them in 2 and a half years at this rate.

I feel The Simpsons could be released every 4 months - they are less than half the price of The X-Files boxsets after all.

RE: Simpsons Season 3+

Jagdpanther (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 15:33

The Simpsons Season 3 DVD has been added to the listings at, however there is no sign of a release date. With any luck they`ll get it out sometime this year (I hope).

RE: Simpsons Season 3+

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 17:23

When Season 1 was released back last summer, Fox said that they would be releasing them every 6 months...yeah right. Season 2 was originally schelduled for 20/05/02, was then put back to 17/06/02, and is now set to be released on 08/07/02. Fox are also planning to release some DVDs with a mere 4 episodes (i.e. Film Festival and the forthcoming Backstage Pass)...what`s the point when they might as well hurry up with the boxsets? They should release them every 4 months at least, as it has such a cult following. 11 months is just not good enough!

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