Page 1 of Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

DVDs & Films Forum

Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th August 2001, 19:52

It`s seems that there are 3 different versions of pearl habor in R1, but which has the most "stuff"

1: $20 - Pearl Harbor: 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
how many disks is this version?

2: $30 - Pearl Harbor: Director`s Cut - Vista Series

3: $40 - Pearl Harbor: 60th An. Commemorative DVD Gift Set

Does the 3rd one have everything the other 2 have?

RE: Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

Frogmanirs (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd September 2001, 21:31

Good Question as I was thinking this myself!

I think im off to get Directors cut as LOGIC tells me this will be the longest version of the film!(As directors cuts tend to be)

RE: Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

GazzaB (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th September 2001, 00:45

Don`t buy it - Thats the Best Version


Just buy the ` Directors Cut : the Crap out and left the Action in : Special Edition ` : )

RE: Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th September 2001, 02:49


With so many great films on DVD why buy this?
If only for the attack scenes, go for the cheapest one and buy Tora, Tora, Tora.


José Azevedo

RE: Too many version of Pearl Habor! which is best?

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th September 2001, 19:55

i have to admit that this film is crap, the love story sucks, the acting (if you can call it acting) sucks too. The only good bit is the attack sequence, however I actually enjoyed it. 3 hours in the cinema flew by, I wasn`t bored at all.

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