Page 1 of REVOLVER

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MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 5th October 2005, 22:16

just watched it,,,,,, & although i know the "critics" always seem to hate guy ritchies films but i always enjoy them, untill now, christ this film sucks arse, it`s just a jumble of poorly put together segments, even going a bit kill bill, with a few anime sprinklings, but where it complemented kill bill it was horendous on revolver :( i really like jason Statham but ray liota acted him of the stage, no comparison at all (look at liota`s facial expresions in the end sequence, wheras the bits where Statham was being portrayed doing a schitzo (sp) where attempted with daft effects rather than the acting skill liota used. (imo) disjointed tho it is, it still had some of that lock stock/snatch "gold" humour & that made the movie, but for 90% of the film i just felt ritchie tried to move to far away from his previous stuff & bit of far more than he could chew, & when he spat it out it was all f***ed up :(

am i on my own ? did anyone Really like it, if so why ?

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden


themilkman23 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 6th October 2005, 21:14

I honestly thought it was pathetic.

After the slating the critics gave it, I REALLY wanted to like it, but me and a friend hated it.

Only remotely stylish part was with the shoot out with the guy in the mac with glasses.

The sad thing is people are out there who say that they really understood the film... Yeah right.


MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 6th October 2005, 21:30

The sad thing is people are out there who say that they really understood the film... Yeah right.

i understood it :)

i understood that it`s a shambling pile of s***, with very few redeeming features.

but cmon, SOMEONE must have liked it on here, i`m not trying to start a flame war or anything, but i`d REALLY like the opinion of someone that liked it, & why they liked it, personaly i went into the movie fully expecting to love it, the "critics" pretty much all panned it but they allways do that to guy ritchies movies (untill they start doing well at the box office) but this time i totaly agree, a waste of time movie, ray liota being "one" of it`s only redeeming features despite it also being full of actors i normaly like & a director that so far has been solid gold.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th October 2005, 22:34


JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 07:29

a director that so far has been solid gold

Apart from Swept Away obviously :p


MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 18:16

Apart from Swept Away obviously

i didn`t realise he did that one :o although tbh, i can`t comment about swept away cos i ain`t watched it :D did i miss anything ?

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden


JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 20:28

I aint watched it either. The fact it`s got 6% on Rotten Tomatoes and I haven`t heard a good thing about it (plus Madonna sucks as an actress) I didn`t want to waste 2 hours of my life on it!


555 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 20:54

I understood it perfectly & thought it was a really good film.
No offence, but to those of you who didnt like it, are you sure you just didnt understand it?? cause thats why it got bad reviews in most places, they said it was to twisty turny and confusing.
Its a hard going film, but really engaging i found. & are you telling me you guessed that twist towards the end??

Not as good as Snatch, on a par with Lock Stock.

I know some people don`t listen to me, but i understood Revolver completely, it wasnt confusing it was just one of them mind trip/f*** films, kinda like Fight Club or Phone Booth (alegedly).

You say pyscho like its a bad thing


MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 7th October 2005, 21:48

& are you telling me you guessed that twist towards the end??

no, it just sucked.

it was just one of them mind trip/f*** films, kinda like Fight Club or Phone Booth (alegedly).

you must have been smoking some damn good s*** when you watched revolver :/ but hey,,,, i did ask for alternating opinions ;)

BUT, i have my take on why it`s a s***e film, & it`s not that i didn`t "get" it, it just sucked, so when you say you "got it" please elaborate ? i`m not trying to wind you up, i just wanna know what you found apealing & what the rest of us Must have missed ;)

EDIT= in fact, if you have time do a mini review, trying to detail the general point of the way the movie is set out & how it goes about making it`s point, BUT please use spoiler tabs in case someone looks in that hasn`t watched the film.


general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Friday, 7th October 2005, 22:51


wutang2k (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th October 2005, 12:20

the reviews are not harsh enough, it sucked the big one.. best bit was the chinese chick with the knickers ...

Swept Away is actualy a decent film if you would care to watch it , the press slated it because Madonna was the star i guess.. picked it up for £1.50 from the Blockbusta!!


RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th October 2005, 12:44

This is a film to be savoured and analysed on repeat viewings - it`s not "smash and grab" cinema in the style of LOCK, STOCK or the very much inferior SNATCH. REVOLVER is a brilliantly directed, averagely-acted film that collates a collection of complex philosophical ideas and dresses them up as a crime thriller. Daring, yes; pretentious, very much so.

This will go down in history as one of Ritchie`s failures I`m sure, although I`m equally sure that a small section of his audience will latch onto the film`s strengths when it comes out on DVD. It may have been muddled in places, and Liotta was woeful, but on the whole this film was very well made.

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