Page 1 of 24 (spoilers for season 2)

DVDs & Films Forum

24 (spoilers for season 2)

Jack Bauer (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th October 2004, 00:45

I have been watching the second season of 24 recently and noticed that in episode 23 there seems to be a bit missing. Its the part when Peter Kingsley is hugging his girlfriend and then reaches for a knife to kill her with then it just cuts to the next scene. Now when I was watching the making of on the last disk it actually shows him stabbing her.
Have they cut some parts out of the dvd or did it just not make it in the final cut? Are any of the other seasons cut? If so, is there a contact address or email address for Fox to see if they send out replacement discs.

I do think that I remember something about the first season being cut but had hope it was rectified when i bought the season1/2 box set last year.

Ok I`ve rambled on for long enough, if any one can help me out please reply.

thanks, jack

This item was edited on Monday, 11th October 2004, 10:26

RE: 24 (spoilers for season 2)

1mills (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th October 2004, 19:23

from what i remember it didn`t make the final cut, isn`t it one of the deleted/extended scenes? Have not watched it in a while so don`t remember that well

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