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DVDs & Films Forum

Should have been great!

DrZarkov (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th September 2004, 20:33

Taped `Robin and Marian` on Friday off ch4. This is a film which should have been great with the strong cast ( Sean Connery, Robert Shaw, Audrey Hepburn, Richard Harris and even Ronnie Barker as friar tuck ) and potential great story of the Robin Hood legend 20 years later.
What a dissapointment!. The film moved at a snails pace and none of the actors really seemed at all interested, combine that with the downbeat ending and it leaves you feeling cheated at the thought of what could have been. I mean Connery as Robin and Shaw as the Sherrif of Nottingham should really have been ace!! `but it wasn`t.......sad. :( :( :(

RE: Should have been great!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th September 2004, 23:56

One of my favourite movies of all time. :(
The slow pace suits the subject matter perfectly, and the ending is just heartbreaking. I thought it was their best performances in years.

RE: Should have been great!

DrZarkov (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th September 2004, 11:37

I thought it was their best performances in years

mmh don`t know about that, Connery and Shaw were in two classics the year before ( Man Who Would Be King and Jaws ) I thought both performances in those films, especially Shaw as Quint in Jaws, were far better than those in Robin and Marian.

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