Page 1 of help needed with galexy quest!!!!!!!!1

DVDs & Films Forum

help needed with galexy quest!!!!!!!!1

thor (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 2nd April 2001, 19:42

Hi, i recently bought galexy quest (R2), however no matter what i try the subtitles stay on the screen. I took the dvd back and got a replacement, this has the same problem!!!!
I have tried all of the options with no effect, anyone got any advice or suffered a similar problem?

RE: help needed with galexy quest!!!!!!!!1

Tony Ferrino (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2001, 21:42

galaxy quest did not play on my samsung 807

RE: help needed with galexy quest!!!!!!!!1

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th April 2001, 13:37

Mine works ok on a Himage.

Have you tried fiddling with the player setup.

Also try selecting subtitles, turning machine off, booting up again,

sometimes that works.

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