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Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

yo_da84 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 23:56

Hey guys!
I was curious as to what you think are the top 10 SCI-FI Horror dvds released R1&R2?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 01:02

RE: Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 07:54

Top ten sci fi/horrors on DVD would be different to my top ten sci-fi/horror films of all time.

So here we go for DVD.
Sci Fi
1. Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition (R1)
2. Alien Quadrilogy (R1)
3. The Abyss (R1)
4. Tron (R1)
5. Predator (R2)
6. Robocop (R2)
7. Superman (R1)
8. X Men 1.5 and X2 (R1/2)
9. Starship Troopers (R1)
10. Big Trouble in Little China (R1)

1. The Thing (R1)
2. The Exorcist: Special Edition (R1)
3. Halloween: 25th Aniversary (R1)
4. Evil Dead trilogy (R2)
5. Psycho (R1)
6. The Omen: collection (R1)
7. Night of the Living Dead:- Millienium Edition (R1)
8. Re-animator:- Millienium Edition (R1)
9. The Crow: 2 disc edition (R1)
10. Naked Lunch: Criterion Edition (R1)


DVD collection & WANTED list

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 08:55

RE: Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 09:04

Nice list. But i would counter with bumping the Crow and Naked Lunch (both excellent films, but not really horror (IMHO), especially the crow) for The Wicker Man 2 discer and The Shining.

And as for Sci-Fi, I would bump BTILC, Tron, Starship Troopers and possibly X-Men in favour of BTTF trilogy, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Terminator 1 and E.T.

Although that still leaves out 2001, Brazil (Criterion), Blade Runner..................

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 09:45

I was going by fully loaded and top picture and sound quality.

Even though The Shining, is an excellent film, and has been digitally remastered. It didn`t make the list because there is no, special features, the film is in full screen, and if you get the R2 edition, you get the cut version of the film.

Back to the Future trilogy is good, but no one knows for sure if the R2 editions have the correct framing, and the R1 edition lacks the DTS soundtrack.

2001, again like The Shining lacks in special features, Blade Runner crap picture crap sound, no special features, in directors cut only, and hopefully when legal issues are resolved, we`ll be getting a 3 disc special edition.


DVD collection & WANTED list

RE: Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

Graham Patrick (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 12:20


1. Alien Quadrilogy
2. Star Wars Episode I
3. Akira The Ultimate Collection
4. Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition
5. Men In Black I & II Box Set
6. Futurama Seasons 1-4
7. Robocop Trilogy
8. Star Wars Episode II
9. Transformers The Movie
10.Predator Special Edition


1. Day of the Dead (Divmax Edition)
2. Nightmare On Elm Street Collection (R1)
3. Freddy vs Jason (R1)
4. From Dusk Till Dawn (2-disc edition)
5. The Thing
6. Seven (2-disc edition)
7. The Hills Have Eyes
8. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1973 special edition)
9. Evil Dead (Book of the Dead edition)
10.Army of Darkness

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