Page 1 of Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark

DVDs & Films Forum

Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark

Jon Rob (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 12:23

Does anyone else remember seeing this made-for-tv horror movie ? About these little goblins who lived in the cellar of an old house, and they`d terrorise the woman living there. I saw it when i was about 7 years old and it scared the wits out of me!

Hasn`t been released on DVD, and the discontinued VHS version seems to be going for silly prices. I`d love to see this again just to see if it`s even half as frightening as it seemed then.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 13:24

RE: Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 13:05

I think I remember this one. Is it the one where she is in the shower and they have a razor, ready to kill her, then hubby walks in and they hide. Eventually she see`s them in the house and no one believes her.

I think it ended with her body being dragged into a hole in the wall where they came out. Was quite creepy too.

RE: Don`t Be Afraid of the Dark

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 14:07

Is this the DVD your after?

EDIT:- I`ve ordered a few dvds of him before and he`s very good and reliable.


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This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 15:15

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