Page 1 of THX-1138 coming on DVD

DVDs & Films Forum

THX-1138 coming on DVD

stuartfanning (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th May 2004, 22:57

THX-1138 coming on DVD in September. Here`s some info

Okay... we just had to check in with one last update today. We`ve got more information for you on THX-1138 thanks to an article at Video Business magazine. Here`s a quote:

"There are a few snippets of extra footage throughout the movie, but the main differences in the new version--in addition to digital video and audio restoration--are digitally enhanced backgrounds, cityscapes and crowds of people. Those enhancements add a greater scope and scale than Lucas could generate with the limited budget and technology of 33 years ago, said Jim Ward, VP marketing and distribution at Lucasfilm."

According to the article, the film was in bad shape, and more than 10 months of restoration work was involved to restore it. For the DVD, extras will include the 1-hour long documentary, A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope (featuring new interviews with Lucas, Coppola and Duvall, the documentary features Martin Scorsese, John Milius, Matthew Robbins, Walter Murch and Caleb Deschanel), Lucas` original short film Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB, audio commentary by Lucas and co-writer and sound designer Murch, the 30-minute Artifact from the Future featurette on the making of the film, and an isolated sound effects track/branching video, called Theatre of Noise, on the film`s sound design.


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