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Alien Quad Shipped

rcdean (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 10:10

To my surprise, I got an email today from DVDsoon saying my Quad has left the building!!!!

I havent finished TTT yet

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 10:11

Movietyme have had it in stock for a while now, too. But this is my Xams present from someone so resisting the urge to buy it.

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

Martyn Smith (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 15:18

My copy from DVD Soon has been shipped as well and it is £12 cheaper than Movietyme.

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

rcdean (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th November 2003, 12:56

Superb, arrived this morning and had a few goes already.

Pic looks great, sound also seems great, extras over the weekend, packaging not as bad as feared, but still some niggles.

Off to enjoy!

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th November 2003, 16:45

Got mine from the local delivery office today. Nice big box! I`m a bit concerned about the packaging in the way that it opens right up and is really, really long to house all 9-discs! Would have preferred a book type case like Smallville. Apart from that I`m happy with it! :-)

Anil K, the original Chief Executive Ninja and Vampire Hunter
Site Reviewer, DVD Reviewer
My YMDB Top 20

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

papanez (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th November 2003, 09:22

Only thing that bothered me about the packaging was the spec sheet glued to the back. Man, that glue was tough to get off clean! Why they had to glue it on so viciously when it was shrinkwrapped too I don`t know!

Had a quick look at it all before relenquishing it for a Christmas present. Menus and content look great, checked out the sound too in some favourite bits and that was great too! Roll on 25th December!


RE: Alien Quad Shipped

Norman Voles (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th November 2003, 12:41

Wouldn`t it have been a nice touch if the UK version had been called `The Alien Tetraology`. They might have sold twice as many copies as well :D

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

kool (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 10:54

My order from DVDSOON has been at the "packaging" stage since Sunday.Is this normal?Tried to email them but no reply yet.

RE: Alien Quad Shipped

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 21:45

That stick on label on the box is causing real problems.I have got 80% of it off,but I can see as I pull the last bit paper is staying stuck to the box.Time to steam it off I suppose unless anyone has a better idea

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