Page 1 of Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

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Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 21:17

The special tin that was supposed to be of limited stock appears to be available again in November at Play. No mention of limited run either. Still £45 but nice packaging if you missed it the first time around. And one of the best TV series of recent years.

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 21:20

RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 22:04

I think they have released a new batch because my local WHSMITHS has both the Tin and digibox on the shelf at the moment (for the same price too!)

RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 22:14

HMV in Leicester had LOADS of them @ £49.99.

RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 22:28

Anywhere selling it cheaper by any chance? Only caught the first couple of episodes before when it was screened, I`m not usually the type of person to buy TV series boxsets being that they are usually repeated so often. Is this worth a purchase though?

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RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 22:44

Is this worth a purchase though?

I don`t have the DVDs, but I watched them all on telly. Really good series, and worth it on DVD if you can get it for under £30. :)

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RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2003, 22:45



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RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Monday, 3rd November 2003, 23:12

i have the reg 1 Collectors tin, and that has the DTS. The sound is Fantastic!! even on my basic Surround sound system. DTS version is well worth it.

RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th November 2003, 13:08

Maybe Speilberg thinks us brits are scum and not worth DTS, and that we was really a hazard than a help.

That`s what really p***es me off about these US war movies such as Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Pearl Harbour, U-571, is that they alter history, so it portrays the yanks in a positive light, and any mention of the british, is always in a negative one.

I think the only time where we are seen as working together was The Great Escape.

You can all be like the US reviewers on IMDB or Yahoo message board and say `it`s only a movie`. But that bulls*** comment don`t work with me.

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RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

Martyn Smith (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th November 2003, 16:00

Band of Brothers focussed on an elite unit of the US Army, one of the most famous because of what they went through in the Second World War so that is why Spielberg and Hanks chose to make their story. It is not bashing us Brits by ignoring us as it was not a story concerning our involvement. Personally I do not see where you are getting this negativity towards Britain that you mention as it is not apparent in Band of Brothers. Neither was it in Saving Private Ryan (apart from the comment by one character that Montgomery was an idiot) or Pearl Harbor. U-571 is a different matter but they do mention at the end that it was us Brits who stole the Enigma machine and not the Yanks, maybe rather condescending but they never claimed that the film was based on a true story.

RE: Band of Brothers Tin. - are advertising it again.

boogie (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th November 2003, 11:13

the new release is a comerative release, due to it being nov 11 soon

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