Page 1 of is dark angel+due south coming soon?

DVDs & Films Forum

is dark angel+due south coming soon?

kevin tn (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th December 2002, 19:21

tried getting the above films from abroad but not paying £80 for dark angel+then get stunk by customs,also cant find another release date for due south,dvdboxoffice has no offical date yet and there the only ones advertizing it .can any one help.thanks kev

This item was edited on Friday, 6th December 2002, 19:21

RE: is dark angel+due south coming soon?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 08:34

have you tried the R4 of Dark Angel? it comes in at just under £50!

RE: is dark angel+due south coming soon?

cw2k (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th December 2002, 13:15

Dark Angel R1 is due out early 2003 have Due South (says usually ships in 24 hours so looks like it`s in stock) and few CAN$10 off CAN$50 GC are out at the moment (most expire at the end of the month)

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