Page 1 of Lord of the Rings on ALBA 103 Xi

DVDs & Films Forum

Lord of the Rings on ALBA 103 Xi

GOBO FRAGGLE (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th September 2002, 22:18

I have recently bought LOTR and when I put the disk in my ALBA 103Xi, the standard copyright warning (on the blue screen), and the disc manufacturers Logo video clip were not shown on the screen.

I kept hearing snippets of sound, but once this had run its course, and the main menu appeared, all seemed to work fine. The film played OK, but each time I loaded the disc, this same thing would happen.

I thought it was a duff disc, so I exchanged it, and the new copy did this too, exchanged again and also did this.

All 3 copies played fine in my Dads YELO, and disc 2 played OK in mine.

Has anyone else experienced any similar probs with LOTR??

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