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DVDs & Films Forum

where can i get karaoke dvds from

willsmith (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 22:06

I`m after a karaoke dvd for the kids.Tweenies or something.Anyone any ideas where i can get them from?Cheers.

RE: where can i get karaoke dvds from

biteman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 23:03

Karaoke dvds not popular in Europe Will !
But you can get Karaoke vcds (Hopefully your machine will play them?)
from (do search for vcd on their site)
Mind I couldn`t find the Tweenies but good luck!!

RE: where can i get karaoke dvds from

biteman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 11th July 2002, 19:22

Just found have a load of karaoke dvds
This is a safe dependable chinese site.

RE: where can i get karaoke dvds from

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th July 2002, 14:17

Do you REALLY want tweenies being sung by your children over and over?? Brave guy!

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