Page 1 of From Hell : missing scene ?

DVDs & Films Forum

From Hell : missing scene ?

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th July 2002, 20:40

After watching from Hell on DVD, I`m pretty sure there is a scene missing from the theatrical version....

In the scene where Abberline takes come Absynth in the bath and has a flashback of his wife telling him his pregnant. He then suddenly wakes up, with a startled-spooked look on his face. - This reaction seems odd, seeing as nothing in this "dream" was frightening.......

....Now I`m sure I remeber that after the bit with his wife, the vision continues and you see something pretty creepy - although I cant remember exactly what it was - might have been one of the victims with her throat slit laughing at him. ( I know, this is glimpsed later in the film, after shes been killed)

Im sure something has been taken out.......anyone else remember this seen too ?

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