Page 1 of session 9 £5.50

Bargain Buckets Forum

session 9 £5.50

STORMTROOPER (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd April 2002, 21:20

just picked this up for the above price at

5.1 but don`t know about aspect ratio

RE: session 9 £5.50

Tigaboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd April 2002, 12:31

Ive never used these before... But ive just ordered

Session 9 region 3 and TWIN Peaks Multi Region from DDDHOUSE,
All for the massive cost of 15 quid including the delivery...

Ill wait until the goods arrive and check the bill on my Credit Card before i start raving about this as a bargain... but so far ... so good!!!!

Nice 1 Stormtrooper....

RE: session 9 £5.50

nesbitt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 00:32

Are these a reputable company,a friend of mine says that tese are bootlegs(although I dont think so).Im a bit wary of handing my debit card details over if its not legit-I dont own a credit card-The movies wont display chinese subtitles will they,some good prices here

RE: session 9 £5.50

MunkZ (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 02:07

i ordered 3 from them a month or two ago, took about 2 weeks to arrive, 1 disc was faulty but was too lazy to gripe over the £3 or something i`d spent on it.

RE: session 9 £5.50

STORMTROOPER (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 22:15

i always got a 4-5 day delivery - have been ordering from them for a year no problems- always look for the bargains or early releases like The Others - and its registered delivery

RE: session 9 £5.50

Tigaboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th April 2002, 12:21

Goods arrived yesterday... Twin Peaks is the Pilot show...

Session 9 IS ok...

Not played them yet but do look ok... No booklets though so would this indicate copies?????

RE: session 9 £5.50

nesbitt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th April 2002, 10:09

Ive recieved my movies-Session 9 & Campfire tales- I tried Campfire to see what they were like but the damn thing has chinese subtitles displayed through the movie and on the menu screen theres nothing to let me remove them,just a best buy,trailer,start movie,and data bank(actor information and synopsis).yet Im sure Ive read on a forum on this site that ALL SUBTITLES CAN BE REMOVED,Im a bit P.O because its a bit distracting.

RE: session 9 £5.50

Tigaboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 12:41

Twin peaks Pilot and Session 9 Both play fine thanks to the Remote Hack.

The movies look and sound fantastic - Im really impressed with these "Bargains" and would recommend Session 9 To anyone who is interested.

Check this link for review:

RE: session 9 £5.50

Kid Brunch (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th April 2002, 14:46


DDDHOUSE are an excellent company to order from. There should be more around like this.


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