Page 1 of DV646A Has Arrived !!

Bargain Buckets Forum

DV646A Has Arrived !!

JtR (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 15:19

Hoo Raaah

Delivered @ 1.50pm today, less than 24hrs from ordering

Played about a bit with settings & put Shrek R1 in for a test

Result - smooth as a babies bum

Tried 1 original CD & 1 burnt CD - Superb sound

So far so good, however, manual is detailed & will probably spend the next month or so reading it :-)

Lee (happy as larry - whoever he is !)

RE: DV646A Has Arrived !!

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 16:14

Lee (a.k.a. Happy Larry)

Glad to hear all`s going well. Wish I could go for something as snazzy myself, have to start thinking of a way to afford it. Enjoy!


RE: DV646A Has Arrived !!

JtR (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 16:36

Thanks chris but unfortunately only giving me grief at the mo, not because of the quality but because my 3 & 1 year old daughters see it as a new toy AAAAARGH

Box already destroyed & remotes gone walkies - ive only had it a few hours - boo hoo


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