drlazarus(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th June 2001, 14:33
I recently recieved a catalogue from http://www.planetmusic.es in which they are selling the Sopranos 1st season boxset for £24.99 plus postage making the total £30.47 !
The only downside is that the box is in Spanish, but the discs are all identical to the UK releases.
Some other bargains they have include:
CE3K £12.99 Hitchcock 3 DVD set £12.99 Traffic £12.99
and they also appear to have The Neverending Story for £12.99 !
All of these titles can only be ordered via Mail Order, as their website doesn`t get updated very often. To obtain their catalogue, just e-mail : ofni[at]se.cisumtenalp
They are fairly quick to respond. I have yet to order anything from them but if anyone has, let me know.