Page 1 of Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

Bargain Buckets Forum

Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

OVERLORD (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 10:05

RE: Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 10:51

Good spot. I use an older model on my decks and can confirm that they sound amazing.

Its just what all the IPod owners thinking "hang on a sec...this sounds rubbish" need (hint: The IPod earbuds are pants)

I Dont know Karate...but I know Ker-azy!
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

Dubster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 11:12

Nice, but you`d be better off getting a concorde branded pair of the HD25SP which you can pick up on ebay, new, for about 30 quid.


Far better sound quality imo.
I`ve got em and they`re the bees knees. More portable too.

RE: Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

the boosh (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 11:49


Really tempted by these but do these run straight off the audio device or do they require batteries? Thanks in advance.

RE: Sennheiser HD495 Headphones £19.98 ex delivery.

sjb8080 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 13:22

Had these `phones for a while and am very pleased. They`re light and comfortable, and sound good. There`s a bit of sound leakage, so can`t turn the volume up too loud in the office.

No batteries required.

Overall exellent value.

Edit: Just checked, it was March last year when I got mine from // Now £19 + £5 p&p

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th February 2005, 13:57

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