Page 1 of EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

Bargain Buckets Forum

EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

MickG (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th May 2001, 18:24

I just bought the "X Files Season 1" from ezydvd and have being charged the full price of $185 which includes the Goods and Services Tax.

I was led to believe that all International Sales are not subject to GST. Has anyone else bought from this site and were not charged the 9% tax


This item was edited on Monday, 14th May 2001, 18:26

RE: EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 14th May 2001, 19:12

Definitely not paid GST before with these guys - I think they`ll deduct it once they know you`re in the UK.

Was there not an option to remove the GST in the checkout ? I can`t remember if it did it automatically or not.

RE: EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

Showaddy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th May 2001, 19:42

I believe what you paid was quoted on the Ezydvd website as the all-in international price, i.e. already bereft of GST.

RE: EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

chud (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th May 2001, 20:23

Go back in and check the currency converter whilst you have a dvd selected and if I remember correctly, it calculates the currency for the DVD LESS tax.
They do explain all this from the "International Orders" button.

Good luck!

RE: EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

MickG (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th May 2001, 06:25

Well - a couple of the guys on this site said they got it for £61 Stg. Which if you work it out is $185 AUD - 9% = $168.35 -- £61:34

I have being charged the full thing. I may give drop them a line

RE: EZYDVD - Service Tax ??

patrol (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th May 2001, 11:07

Hi MickG
Ezydvd are currently (15th May) selling X Files season 1 for AUD$179.00 plus shipping to Australian customers and the GST that should be removed is AUD$16.27 (1/11th of the price). I suggest you email them and query the price. They have a good reputation and will hopefully do something about it for you.

As an aside, I’ve seen a new site at and they are selling X-Files for AUD$163.04 and with the GST removed gives a selling price of AUD$148.22 plus shipping. Their prices seem to be low and may be worth giving a go.
Hope the above is of some use to you.

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