Page 1 of Nokia 7200 for £129.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bargain Buckets Forum

Nokia 7200 for £129.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 22:32

The Link are selling this phone for £129.99 on O2 PAYG while virgin website retail them for £249!!! Dixons are selling it for £379.99.

RE: Nokia 7200 for £129.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tunesurfer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 22:49

Very very good price - but boy what an ugly phone - oh that reminds me where did I leave me cigs.

RE: Nokia 7200 for £129.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 01:21

Been that price at The Link for a while now.

Here`s a more extensive list of PAYG handset bargains in case anyone was looking...
(contains a choice of BOTH affiliate and non-affiliate links)


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