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Bargain Buckets Forum

Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

lyricman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th November 2004, 21:24

Asda currently running a bargain for a £500 camera. The Fuji 610 6MP for £199.00

Excellent camera going to pick one up tomorrow.

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

pavlovspooch (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th November 2004, 21:45

just a word of caution it`s actually got a 3.1 MP sensor interpolated to 6MP

Also note you can get it from Amazon here for £229.99 so £199 is a considerable saving but it`s not a £500 camera

This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th November 2004, 21:47

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th November 2004, 23:07

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

markbloke (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd November 2004, 14:57

Actually it is a 6MP sensor, and you can select to interpolate it to 12MP.
One of its shortcomings seems to be that you can only have one compression setting, and that this is quite high. One review suggests you can work around this by selecting the 12mp interpolation option, forcing a larger image size.
The link to Amazon indicates they`ve got wind of the Asda offer and are now offering it at 199.99 with free shipping.

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th November 2004, 17:26

The 6MP is essentially a waste of time with such a small lens however.

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

Outtathaway (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th November 2004, 18:17

I already own this camera. And its a good camera, its not brilliant but its a good camera for a semi-pro

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

Zippy123 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 27th November 2004, 20:31

Hi Outtathaway,

What is the start up time and shutter lag like?

Does the battery last the day?

Does the flash pop up automatically?

Would be great for a real users opinion before I splash out...


RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

Outtathaway (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 02:16

Start up time is about a second or so, and the shutter time is pretty quick, less than a second at least.

The batter does last about a day if its not left on all day, if you turn it off between taking shots.

And no, the flash doesn`t pop up automatically, its a manual button.

I usualy use it to take photo`s at gigs and I have gotten some awesome shots with it.

Only problem with it is that it records video as AVI files so with my 256mb memory card it can only hold about 7 minutes of video. And they only supply you with a 16mb card when you buy it

RE: Fuji 610 6MP at Asda

pavlovspooch (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 17:13

Sorry if I misled anyone about the Fuji 610 being interpolated to 6MP :( Fuji have a good reputation and I`m sure the 610 is a fine camera.

The 6MP is essentially a waste of time with such a small lens however.

I think some manufacturers were guilty of simply taking 2MP and 3MP cameras, slapping in a 4MP or 5MP sensor without improving the lens & electronics sufficiently to take advantage of the extra resolution.

When the camera is optimised there can be real improvements over lower resolution cameras. Take for example the Minolta DIMAGE-G600; Steve`s digicams said: "High picture quality is obtained through the camera's GT HEXANON lens that's designed to produce stunningly accurate images. These images are then received by the 1/1.76-inch 6.40-megapixel CCD, which provides high-resolution picture quality unexpected from such a compact camera."

The G600 is available from Empire Direct 6Mpix £197.91 delivered

Here`s a couple of reviews

Of course if you only ever view pics on screen or print 6x4 enprints 3MP is sufficent although higher res does no harm (other than taking up more storage space) and gives you much more scope for cropping photos.

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd December 2004, 18:01

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