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Bargain Buckets Forum

Pioneer A07 available....

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 14:36

...the AO7 is available at for circa £115.00 (I forget exactly), it`s listed in the hardware and also the special offers section.
SVP reports it will be released officially in a fortnight and be in the sub-£100 range which is a suprise, I only bought the AO6 as I imagined Pioneer would pitch the drive similar in price to the x8 Plextor (circa £175.00).

Got this post from DVDR HELP.


RE: Pioneer A07 available....

Baff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 15:08

Now only £97.98 at SVP (plus abit for p&p, just wait for one of their `1p weekends`)

RE: Pioneer A07 available....

CraigAFC (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 15:48

Nightmare...just paid £85 for a 106 for Xmas! :(

RE: Pioneer A07 available....

diverse (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th January 2004, 16:08

When did SVP last offer you 1p shipping ? I have only been offered 99p weekends for some time!

Would like to know of saving even more even if it is 98p!

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