Page 1 of Crouching Tiger £5 @game

Bargain Buckets Forum

Crouching Tiger £5 @game

Awaaz (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 13:14

Nice sale bargain! also had the mask for £3.98

RE: Crouching Tiger £5 @game

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 15:25

Lo and old, "out of stock". Always the same with Game. Never, ever seem to have their sale stuff in stock. Hmmmm.

RE: Crouching Tiger £5 @game

Awaaz (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 15:38

picked my up in store!

they are always out of stock i order usual suspects & innerspace they sent me an email saying cos they are always having trouble sourcing the disks they`re not selling them any more, but gave me a £5 voucher for my troubles.

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