Info and forum posts by 'rachie'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th July 2001, 17:32, Last used: Saturday, 7th July 2001, 17:32

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Kids in his bed

Hey come on, this guy said that climbing trees and having water bomb fights is better than sex!! Nuff said!

Diver`s Dream on the psx

Hi, has anyone completed this game as my other half is stuck and he`s driving me mad!


Hi there,
My company have suddenly started using Websense to stop me wasting time surfing whilst at work! I thought that was the reason I went to work! Anyway, does anyone know a way round this or can they point me in the right direction to somewhere that might know?

RE: Where you all from then?

I`m a southern lass, born and bred in good old Bournemouth!! Soon to be a third division team and maybe even the Conference a year later!

RE: Lexmark me !!!

Hi ..had the same problem with my lexmark z11. I unistalled the software and then re-installed it. I now have a working printer!

Jurassic Park 3 and Play 247

Has anyone pre ordered this title and received it yet? Mine was apparently posted on Thursday last week and has not arrived yet?

RE: Isn`t the Post Office Bad Enough??

Me too Hodge. But please give a thought to Royal Mail, for so long now retailers and companies have used us as an excuse why they`ve failed to post items and letters. It maybe easy to blame the postie but it`s not ALWAYS our fault!!!

RE: tombraider dvd

My local Asda have got it for £14.97 as well as Ali G-Bling Bling and Evolution!

chipped dvds

When a player is chipped, does it play other region discs automatically or do you have to flick a switch?

RE: Help!!!!

How about Planet of the Apes or Gladiator?


According to my copy from Play247 it is region 2 and 4.

RE: Talk about cutting it fine - well done England !

Come on. Lets congratulate my mate Ted for the equiliser. Super sub eh? (It`s good to see a spurs player in the squad again!!!!!!!)

RE: I am not sure if all of these are really true but if they are, what a spooky coincidence ??

Hey Kev, I like that in a sad pseudo-masochistic way. I`ve never used my keyboard in that way. Hey hey!! (It`s alright if I call you Kev?)

This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd September 2001, 01:19

RE: How many do you have?

Anyone who can be Dave Beckham (without talking!!!) can be any time.

RE: Very wierd newsgroup thread

If you trace this thread back, the guy posted it on the 31st of August so he was at least a week and a half out!!!

RE: In a bad mood, part two.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th September 2001, 17:19

RE: In a bad mood, part two.

Did you see that programme Liftin yesterday? That was about thieving s***es in Leicester... (If it could be believed!)

RE: The most depressing movies Ever *SPOILER*

After I`d watched Magnolia I suddenly realised how great my life is.

RE: Alan Partridge A-HAAA

Mousse from a bowl is very nice but to put it on a person is demented!

Alan Partridge A-HAAA

Is it true that I`m Alan Partridge is out on dvd in October? I`ve been waiting for this for ages and Play247 have an October release date!!!

p.s anyone seen the parole officer yet? is it worth going?

RE: simplygames again

robbie-p.......Any luck yet? Can`t seem to get hold of the buggers to cancel my order as I went down sainsburys and bought it!

RE: Martial arts films at Under18 / simplygames problems

I ordered the boxset of predator too. Not heard anything from them for well over a month. Their tracking system is always being updated. They ignored all my e-mails too. Apparently they`ve had trouble getting hold of the stock!!!! Hmmmmm. Won`t go anywhere near them again.

RE: simplygames again

Have you recieved it yet? I`m still waiting!

simplygames again

Before all this omen stuff kicked off I ordered predator off of them. They sent me the first e-mail confirming my choice but thats it. As this was over 2 weeks ago I want to know where it is!! Their tracking system is down still and they ignore my e-mails etc. Any ideas how to get hold of them? cheers