Info and forum posts by 'Siouxsie Q'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 06:36, Last used: Sunday, 31st August 2008, 17:06

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Toshiba EP 30 Hack

Hi all :D

Any luck on a hack for this Player? Love the fact that I can get cheap HD Titles, but not loving the fact that have loads of R1 DVD`s that are gagging to be played on this machine

Many thanks

S x

RE: Newbie to DVDR`s - Don`t want to waste VHS


What a can of worms I have opened - wasn`t intentional, `onest!! First off, thanks for all the replies and advice given. I had the same thing with going from tape cassettes to CD`s

The main things I want to copy are all the documentaries and family vids. The pre-recorded VHS`s I think will be better off buying the DVD versions. What is gonna come next, after I have built up a collection of DVD`s. My original ideas were a space saving exercise as the hallway cupboard is just used for video storage.... would like to use it for something else now.

DVD recorders?? That is the next problem. Do I go cheap and get from Woolworths for 180 quid, or do I go high end and invest in a HD recorder (though must admit, don`t have a clue what the benefits are) You all have given me loads to ponder on - so I will be watching this forum very carefully...

Thanx peeps.... :)

RE: Newbie to DVDR`s - Don`t want to waste VHS

I will give the cable a try. Majority of things I have on VHS are home recorded that would be nice to transfer to space saving medium.

Thanx for advice - now to persue which machine to buy.... :)

Newbie to DVDR`s - Don`t want to waste VHS

Hi all you wise ones...

Thanks to updating film list, I find I have over 400 VHS titles. Only jumped on the DVD Bandwagon a few years ago with my Samsung 709 and we have co-habited quite happily. I don`t watch vids very often now but want to know if they can be transferred onto DVD for my viewing pleasure (and create space in my cupboard where vids are stored)

I want to invest in a DVD recorder which seems to be the way forward, but haven`t a clue what to look out for or if transfer from VHS is possible.

Can anybody help me with this.... Sorry if this issue has been addressed before - total novice when it comes to DVD players - know how to play film and thats about it!! :/

DVD Digital World - If you wanna deal with sarcastic unhelpful staff, read on...

I have been using DDW on and off for over 3 years. I think there has been a change in staff cos now they are so unhelpful!!! Been waiting for a few titles that haven;t showed up. Bog standard answer "What do you want me to do? Go over to the States and track down your personal order"!! If I were getting things free of charge, I wouldn`t mind.

When you pay extra for `Advanced Copies` and cos they ain`t turned up and you have to buy them in the shop, whats the use?? The 3 times I have phoned, I have been told different shipping dates (totally different to what they posted in `acct info`) so I don`t know whats happening.

All I wanted is reassurance of what happens if they don`t show. That so did not happen... Got other Pre-orders with them. Gonna cancel `em and shop around. Lesson to be learned in there somewhere, I`m sure....

Am I being unreasonable??