Info and forum posts by 'euroman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 8th June 2001, 17:11, Last used: Friday, 8th June 2001, 17:11

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: fan of science fiction and action movies.

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

It`s Votes That Count

In the light of the recent HMV farce i think it would be a good idea if an on-line vote could be set up here,so that once a year we could vote on various aspects of the retail trade.My suggestions are:BEST /WORST SALES CAMPAIN ;BEST/WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE;BEST/WORST DELIVERY TIMES AND SPECIAL AWARD FOR PROMOTING DVD E-COMMERCE.ThenDVD Reviewer could produce hard figures showing companies just how likely they are to retain our buissness,and perhaps things might change for the better,especialy if the tabloids were to pick up the story.Does anyone back my idea?

RE: Evolution

Did you know Bill Clinton had an a**e hole transplant;it failed when the a**e hole rejected him. :-)

RE: X Files Season 1 £29.99 at

My brother ordered the X FILES box set and recieved confirmation of the sale,only to receive the general e-mail that just about everyone got cancelling the order the next day. To say he was dissapointed was putting it mildly,and he decided he wouldn`t use them again.I however was not prepared to let the matter rest so easily,so i phoned their internet trading arm and lodged a complaint.I was told that FOX was the party at fault for failing to deliver the agreed quantity of sets for the promotion, and that they only had 10 sets that were sold on a first come first sold basis.I said I was sorry to hear that ,but that was not my problem.So the young lady,who to be fair was very appologetic,gave me the phone number of my local store and told me to contact the branch manager and if he had any to get him to reserve a set at the sale price for me to purchase the next day (thursday) when the sale started.She told me to phone her back if they were out of stock and she would try to track one down for me.So I phoned the Chelmsford branch and yes they had one left ,which they were happy to set asside for me.At 9 o`clock this morning my brother collected his X FILES,so guess what we will be viewing tonight.Yes a lot of effort was involved,but i hate to see anyone cheated,especialy when a fair deal has been done,this was not the case of a price being displayed in error so I believe H.M.V. should swallow the pill and honour everyones order and not just help those like me who make a fuss.

RE: catologue software

Thankyou for the advise,i`ve down-loaded the software and am just starting to use it.It looks just the job,i recomend all members obtain it.I still can`t believe it`s available for free. :)

catologue software

Can anybody tell me if there is a software package available that i could purchase to enable me to catologue my collection of dvd,laserdisc and vhs movies.I want to be able to cross-reference the various formats,and search by various catogaries such as star or producer. Thanks in advance.


Could someone tell me the cheapest place to buy the region 1 box set of stargate sg1 season one please.

RE: Road Trip for £7.94!!!!!! From Game.

Thanks for the tip-off.Ordered ROAD TRIP+DEVIL`S ADVOCATE for £14.93 including postage and just recieved e-mail confirmation. .