Info and forum posts by 'The Educator'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 24th May 2001, 15:18, Last used: Thursday, 24th May 2001, 15:18

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Terminator 2 - Special Edition / Ultimate Edition??

The special edition is not the same as the ultimate edition! If you buy the R2 release of T2 Special Edition it is 15 cert and when they release the Ultimate edition in October it will be an 18 cert.

The Ultimate edition has more features and also contains a hidden feature that will play a completely unseen edition of the film, with an original ending and an added scene.

Get the Ultimate and if you are lucky you will get the two disc version in a metal case (limited to 100,000) and if not you will get the 1 disc version which is the same but use new DVD technology to pack the film onto one. Both have exceptional quality

RE: Shadow of the vampire

I also got no inlay card in the DVD, same happened when I bought American Pyscho the same happened - although it did have it in the second issue release!!

(PS Dracula has his very own hairdresser who can create the most perfect parting. If they fail they die - simple as that!!)

RE: Lord of the Rings - Animated movie ?!?

This film is due to be released on R2 DVD in October!!

Anyone willing to supply me with a copy of C4 showing I would be very greatful.

RE: R1 D&D - found an `easter egg`...I think

I think the easter egg you found is actually a little something to stop people who had not seen the film spoiling it by viewing the extras prior to watching the film. If you enter the special features after viewing the film you will not have to do the maze.

As for the film! It is a complete waste of space, a perfect opportunity which was wasted on a weak Xena clone. Try harder next time, if they ever get the chance. Which I doubt!!!!!!

RE: Wharfedale 750 RCE Hacking


You can get the 750 to play RCE discs it just takes a little messing about.
place in RCE disc
press stop until the machine goes to the Wharf boot screen
then press access
now select program
enter 01 for title and all for chapters
using right arrow on pad move to play
and click play
You can now watch your films without any problems!


RE: Wharfdale M5 Macrovision Hack

Thanks Clayts
I will do some searching myself and post any news here

Wharfdale M5 Macrovision Hack

Does anyone know the hack for this machine?

RE: Wharfedale M5 plus Videologic DigiTheatre

yOU WILL STILL NEED YOUR DigiTheatre. The sockets on the back of M5 are not amplified.

Hope thats OK. Anymore question just let me know