Info and forum posts by 'carlito8'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 20:30, Last used: Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 20:30

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Bargains at

All prices include p+p to the u.k They were very quick when i ordered as well. About 3 days which i thought was excellent. The vast number of danish discs are multilingual with the option to turn subtitles on/off. However i remember someone saying on a few older releases particularly the subtitles could not be turned off on most players. However in the case of natural born killers it is all in english or dubbed into danish. All menus etc... are english as well. I got my c.c bill the other day for this item and it came to £8.44 (BARGAIN!!!)

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

FYI - Checked my orders today and my armageddon criterion is showing as payment o.k (others still the same) so it looks like they have got some discs in if not all.

RE: Bargains at

Find whatever you are wanting and click on the little orange `k0b` box near the price at the top of the screen.

Once you have finished getting everything you want click on `til kassen` on the left hand side meaning checkout.

Check your order is o.k and then either login using your e-mail addres and password for repeat customers or click on `ny kunde` to enter your details and setup a new account. The bit at the bottom about password refers to the password YOU would like to use to enter the site.

When entering your c.c details the small box below the main number field is for the 3 check digits on the back of your card (near where your signature is) Why they need this i don`t know but they do.

Hope this helps you out.

RE: Bargains at

I definately don`t think it`s a dodgy site at all, My Natural born killers came within two days which i think is absolutely top service. I would`nt worry about your details being `misused` but it can be hard to get a reply to e-mail`s in English ! I enquired about a couple of films (whether they had subtitles etc...) and got a reply to a totally different question as far as i could make out ! Still their English is by far better than my Danish so i can`t complain........

Bargains at

A few good prices on this Danish Site (all r2) I got Natural born killers : directors cut for 99kr (about £8.50) delivered. With all the features present on the u.s region 1 release. I ordered late sunday night and received the film this morning, the site is all in Danish but is pretty easy to figure out. BEWARE - a few Danish titles apparently have Danish subtitles always on. This is only the case with a few titles, but it may be worth checking before you buy. Click on `tilbud` meaning bargains to get to the good stuff !!

RE: you have to see it to believe it

Hi Lips thanks for the response. As i`m sure a lot of you will know there are two or three major `uk based` suppliers of so called `silver dvd`s` in the uk. One of these recently seized trading as the owners, known to me and others as `pugwash` and `odysee` moved into the more legitimate business of selling r1 & r3 discs.

The guys posted a message on the digital forums ( about a month ago explaining their intentions as well as a link to their new site ( I`m not sure if either of the guys still post there as some of the site`s content is slightly shady (not the sort of thing they wish to be associated with now) but if you want `proof` then i suggest you enquire with a few of the members who have been there since the beggining. Unfortunately i do not have any signed confessions or legal documentation detailing this change as i`m sure you can appreciate !!!

The idea of my previous post was just to reassure a few of you that these are people who i would consider to be very trustworthy. They have always given excellent service in the past, via their website and in person as i`m sure anyone who met them at one of the larger computer fairs will testify to. Any problems with faulty discs, poor quality discs, incorrect orders etc... were dealt with quickly and professionally by either pugs or odysee.

When they seized trading they made sure that anyone who had money or discs owing was dealt with properly.

Like i said i just wanted to let you know that stardvd`s should be an excellent site, and as long as the prices remain good and they retain the same helpful attitude, the site should prosper.

RE: you have to see it to believe it

Just to let you all know (for those of you who did`nt !) Stardvd`s is being run by two chaps who used to run one of the major dvd silver sites based in the u.k, they always gave excellent service and i think that nearly everyone who dealt with them had nothing but praise for their service. I have just ordered quite a few discs from them with no hesitation whatsoever. From what they were saying last time i heard from them, they had always had the idea to run a good r1 dvd site but had to wait until the time was right (prices etc..) I for one wish them all the best, afterall anything that helps reduce prices and improves service is always good.