Info and forum posts by 'Muggl'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 30th April 2001, 12:15, Last used: Monday, 30th April 2001, 12:15

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: -

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: hitachi 305

Right, so I got to get an all4one remote control......
where is that faq with this double cold start thing ?
sorry for annoying you with these questions...
are my last ones...swear it :)
all the best,

RE: hitachi 305

Hi Stewart,

can it be hacked with another remote control ? Or ....

When I switch on my player it just says : load

RE: hitachi 305 i pressed repeat....
but then when i `ve pressed a digit on the remote, every single number i entered appeared on the top left corner (*like when you switch the tv program*)......but then it does not show me any CURRENT REGIONAL CODE NUMBER or something else....this is so frustrating..argh...

Overview: Its like that
- no dvd inside - on screen messages on
1. i powered on the player
2. it says : no DISC and I can see the "Hitachi dvd video screen" on my tv
3. i press repeat
4. i entered 3 (3 is indicated on the top left)
5. .....8..(8 is indicated ...) etc. etc. etc.
6. finalley i pushed 7 but nothing indicates my current regional code...and i do not know what the hell i am doing wrong !!
*is it the remote control ? * got the dv-rm300 ??*

This item was edited on Monday, 30th April 2001, 12:47

RE: hitachi 305

Well....I don`t get it.....
I`ve done the cold start, selected the language and then ?
I pressed REPEAT but nothing happened !
Fortunately I could enter some numbers (like chapterselections) but also nothing appeared on the screen or the dvd-screen.
38767 ??????????
...would appreciate any help...thanx in advance

is it necessary to have an dvd into the drive ???