Info and forum posts by 'Abby'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 21st April 2001, 12:51, Last used: Saturday, 21st April 2001, 12:51

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Video-senders any good?

I`m thinking of getting a video-sender so i can watch DVD and Digital TV in the bedroom. Are they any good?...if so, can anyone recommend one?


DVD`s 2 for £20

incase anyone`s interested.....Virgin`s V-Shop and HMV are doing 2 DVD`s for £20 deals. Some of the titles aren`t too bad (X-Men for example)....just thought i`d pass it on!

RE: Phillips 711 or Samsung 511???

I got a Samsung a couple of weeks ago and am really pleased with it. Multi region via a remote hack...RCE disks work too. Picture and sound are top notch and so far not a single complaint (except i almost wish i got an onboard 5.1 decoder)....nevermind

RE: Beyond a joke - dvd porn

region free porn on DVD....trailers available

so i`ve heard....

RE: Female needs some buying advice....

Thanks for all the advice....i went for the Samsung in the end, firstly because i have a Samsung TV in the bedroom with the same sexy finish and secondly because i`d read on this site that John Lewis were flogging it for £137 (i was gonna get Comet to price match). Alas, JL have stopped the offer now so i got it for £170 in the end.
Watched my first DVD on Sunday (What Lies Beneath) and i`m chuffed...picture and sound are superb. Am now waiting for Charlies Angels from the US to see if the region hack works....

Thanks again for your feedback....this site has already become invaluable to me!


Xena on DVD

Hi.....anyone know if Xena Warrior Princess is out on DVD or going to be in the future?.....i never usually like stuff like this but i watched a couple of episodes and loved the humour in it....anyone know anything `bout a release?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th April 2001, 17:34

RE: LG 3200 vs SAMSUNG 511

Which John Lewis sells the 511 for £137???....i just phoned JL in Brent Cross so i could get my local Currys to price match and they quoted £167...Where do you folks live?

Female needs some buying advice....

Hi boys...i`m confused and seek some guidance!...i want to buy my first dvd player, i have around 200 squid to spend give or take a 50 and my priorities are picture/sound (obviously), multi region with minimal fuss (i want to buy films from the US so this RCE business is important to me too) and something that`s fairly quiet and doesn`t sound like a washing machine in my living room. Brand names don`t mean too much to me and anything with built in 5.1 or that can play mp3 would be a bonus.

There!....not asking too much am i?....i have tried to do my research myself...honest...but just as i decide on one i read a review on another site or someone`s posting slating it and i`m back where i started.

Players i`ve been looking at are the Scan 2000, Samsung 511, Cyberhome ADM512, LG 3350E, Logix 3000 and the Yelo 800 but i`ve looked at loads more that seem to fit the bill....choosing one is the difficult bit..

Please point me in the right direction??...i can see there are loads of people fully clued up on the hardware scene on this what would they buy if they were just starting out now like i am??

Thanks for any help! xxxx

(sorry for the essay)

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st April 2001, 15:43