Info and forum posts by 'Steve Conno.'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 18:11, Last used: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 18:11

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Home user of a new Cyberhome ADM512 looking for firmware/hack that will make it multi-region.

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


Dicanio is right - the transfer is absolutely stunning in terms of vision and sound. Our copy arrived this morning and the kids loved it (well this big kid loved it). DVDSoon seem to have got their act together on this one at least. What a bargain - it cost me far less to buy the DVD than go with the family to the cinema a few weeks` ago. :D


Kool - you are a lucky man as I have two kids currently on half term who want to see it again after having been to the cinema last week. Is the transfer any good? :) Steve



The site URL is The £11 does include p&p at the moment, but some who have posted on this forum say that because they currently have free shipping their delivery times have slowed down (although you can choose to have a quicker delivery by paying, but that kind of defeats the point of using them). I`ll let you know when my copy turns up. Others have said that it can be anything from 4-5 days to never turning up. I reckon it`s down to luck as far as the post in Canada and here is concerned, and whether or not it gets nicked in transit.




Mine shipped yesterday too, but I`ve read a mixed bunch of reviews about how long it takes DVD Soon to get their stuff to you. Given that MovieTyme seem to have run out of their first batch anyway and some pre orders haven`t been sent I reckon it`s worth the £11 paid to DVD Soon. :) Personally, I don`t mind the wait as long as it turns up -eventually! Roll on Bruce the Great White and the sub chase.



RE: Cyberhome ADM512


I`ve downgraded to version 8.0 and, according to the site any versions beyond this are unofficial. This is a bit confusing as all current players bought over here now have the MV locked/region locked 9.9 firmware so this can`t be true. I have found version 8.0 to be fine for all disks bought so far, but is there any advantage to using 9.8? Grateful if you know what the additional benefits are.



RE: Cyberhome M212 and M512 firmware available.....

You can get hold of the firmware by visiting the following site:


It`s a German site, but has instructions on how to save the version 8.0 firmware (better than the earlier firmware option) from your hard drive onto a CDR. You need to follow these instructions carefully (both writing the code to the CD and loading it into the machine), but it has worked fine on my and others` machines (see some of the other forums on this site re. the ADM-512). You can then hack the secret menu and change the country code as instructed by SPIRIT UK early in this thread.

Hope this helps.

RE: cyber home 512 rce?

Cheers Starsky,

I downloaded it from the M(1)uffy site and it worked fine, but if I have any problems then I`ll try the address you`ve noted. I haven`t yet tried a region 1 disk in the machine, but the region option now appears in the `secret menu`. In another part of this forum someone says that the picture quality isn`t as good on region 1 disks (`cos of inferior transfer from NTSC to PAL). Have you noticed any difference?

I`d be grateful if you could let me know how the RCE disks work out when you`ve tested them.



RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?


Thanks for your kind offer to act as the guinea pig re. the firmware, but I took the chance last night and loaded up version 8.0. I too was a bit confused about how M(1)uffy could give us the `flash` for version 9.0. As long as you follow the instructions re. burning version 8.0 to the CD and loading it into the machine it works fine (I am relieved to report). You`ll find that the new secret menu boots up in German, but you can sort this out by going to the Setup menu and asking it to display in English. The region option is in the secret menu and I`ll test out the picture/sound on a region 1 disk once I`ve borrowed one from a mate. I don`t know what you lose from using version 8.0 in the way of functionality, but other sites that contain the hack for the ADM-212 (which I assume uses version 8.0 as the hack is exactly the same) report that there are no problems that they`ve found with the multi-region functionality. The only thing I wondered about was whether there is a limit on the number of times you can use the hack to set it to multi-region (version 8.0 of the firmware loses the region code when you turn the power off so it has to be re set). According to SPIRIT UK (see other bits of the forum relating to the ADM 512) the player will accept RCE disks if you set the region code rather than if you use the `accept all regions` code 13 in the secret menu. Hope all of this is useful.

By the way, if you do find that you can successfully flash version 9.9 then please let me know and I might try it. However, I think that that particular file is labelled `unofficial` on the site so I don`t know how safe it is to use.



RE: cyber home 512 rce?


I`ve read your messages in the forum and guess you downloaded your firmware down grade from the M(1)uffy site that was noted by Paul Bryant in his message. Is this right or did you get it from SPIRITUK? I`ve just bought an ADM 512 from Richer Sounds and have put the downgrade (8.0) on a disk ready to boot in the player, but wanted to find out from someone who`s done it where they got the downgrade from and how they loaded the binary code into the machine. Have you had any problems so far?



RE: Cyberhome M212 and M512 firmware available.....

Dear Spirit UK,

I have also just bought the ADM-512 and am finding it to be a great player for the cash. Looking the other messages in this forum on the ADM-512 there is the suggestion that owners of the machine go to the
M(1)uffy site to download versions 6.7 or 8.0 of the firmware. I`ve done this, but obviously want to make sure that the downgrade has the best chance of working (before burning it to CD) so as to hack for other regions. I see you`ve e-mailed the files before and wondered whether there was any chance of you sending me them as well?

Thanks in advance if this is possible -


Best wishes


P.S. Look forward to seeing your website.

RE: Cyber Home AD-M512 - multiregion out of box or not?

Dear Paul,

I read your notes on the Cyber Home AD-M512 with interest and had found the firmware downgrade on the M(1)uffy site after having surfed for a while. The version 8.0 zip file downloaded fine from his site and I`ll burn it to a CD this weekend, but do you know if anyone has tried this? My machine came from Richer Sounds (this weekend) and they said that there is definitely a hack, but failed to mention the firmware downgrade!! Obviously, I try this at my own risk, but it would be helpful if you could let me know of the success or failure of the file provided by our Cyber-friend.
