Info and forum posts by 'wraeththu'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 5th March 2009, 17:35, Last used: Thursday, 5th March 2009, 17:39

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Film collector and fanatic

This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Panasonic LS83 crap sound


My old LS5 had great sound especially through the head phones.This model however is mince.The sound through the head phones is rubbish and even at full volume you can hear all the back ground noise.In some cases part of the dvd sound track is missing as the LS83 sound cannot go high enough to pick it up.

At least the last quarter of the volume control bar doesnt actually do anything one way or another.

Does any one know of anyway to icrease the sound other than the options available through the setting on the player?.....

Ive tried active external speakers and head phones with their own volume controls but nothing is making a difference.

Panasonic DVD LS83


I bought this player by mistake having read reviews by retailers as well as individuals where the specs were listed as those of the LS86.The LS83 did not have a remote control but i did notice what looked like a remote sensor on the front....and guess what the remote from my old panasonic LS5 works perfectly to operate the LS83 by remote.

The question is why is no remote control included with this model.

If the LS83 can be operated by the remote for the LS5(possibly any panasonic remote) i would think it could also be region hacked by the more common method rather than having to buy a chipped remote which you then have to return after paying £25 for.

Anyone have any ideas.

RE: Multi regionHack code needed for Panasonic DVD LS83 portable DVD palyer


I bought this player after reading reviews where it had the listed specs of the LS86.It did not have a remote control but i noticed what looked like a remote sensor on the front.Curious i tried the remote for my old LS5 and it works!!. Every function and setting of the LS83 can be accessed using the LS5 remote.Im guessing that any other panasonic remote will also work.With that in my id think the region codes could be changed by the remote control method.However i also cannot find out the codes for doing this.

However there are o hack chipped remote hacks for the LS83 available from are also available through ebay (d******* is one seller)/The situation seems to be you rent these.They are connected to the player and simply left for a few seconds then disconnected and the player should be region free.Of course the disadvantage is you cannot if you wished region restric again as you could with a remote code.

hope this helps.