Info and forum posts by 'littlemac1985'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th February 2009, 16:10, Last used: Sunday, 13th March 2011, 09:33

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

smoke/fire alarm at home

i live in a new build flat and when we bought it last june it had built in smoke alarms one in the hall and one in the front room/kitchen (its all in one) the stupid thing is they have put it slightly forward and to the right of the oven. recently when we have been grilling things and the oven has got smokey (not due to things being burnt just general slight smoke-e-ness from the food) it has been setting the alarm off and causing it to make the noise bout 5 times b4 it stops and going off every time we open the oven. this is really annoying me as nothing is burning or on fire but it just seems to be sensitive recently (im glad it works but not when there is no fire) sorry bout the long story but wanted to know if it would be easy to take down and either move or just have the one in the hall? as the flat is very small.only thing is i think it is built in (electrical as well as battery powered) please help as this is driving me mad!

romantic break for 2 - can anyone help??

it will be our 8 year anniversary in june and we are looking at spending a couple of days in a hotel in may. preferably in the midlands area as we live in birmingham but i do have a car to travel. i want a lovely romantic place as we dont really do romantic stuff and have had a look round but places are either way over priced (we have bout £150 maybe bit more to spend) or just dont seem very romantic.has anyone stayed at a hotel that was lovely and romantic or even just somewhere that was really nice?any help would be great :)
found a lovely one in cornwall VERY romantic but £185 for ONE nights and would take us over 4 hours to get there lol i want romance but not that bad lol

RE: my bright headlights

i have tried to adjust them and to be honest it looks as if they dont even move. i got my partner to move them last night while i stood and looked at them and he moved it all the way and they didnt seem to move

my bright headlights

i have a proton savvy and have noticed that my headlights reflect badly in alot of peoples mirrors (although not all),they then think that i have my main beams on and i start gettin annoyed looks. this has really started to affect my driving as im hating going out when i need my lights on and have started to drive slower to stay away from car infront but this does not always work. i dont have my main beams on so i dont understand why they are so bright?as far as im aware my bulbs are the usual brightness and i have not asked for a perticuler valtage so i assume i have the standard.i have noticed alot of cars have bright lights but feel like it is only me gettin the angry looks etc.any advice on what i can do to make them less bright or somethin?i know this sounds like a stupid question but im findin it embarrassing incase someone has a go