Info and forum posts by 'MarkE'

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Joined on: Sunday, 14th January 2001, 05:14, Last used: Sunday, 14th January 2001, 05:14

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: matsui 110

not likly it has just taken 2 - 3 weeks of sustained harassment at the dixons stores group to get my 6 month old player refunded, it is almost as incompatable with disks as a warfdale, and i am not the only one who has found this out. i asked people with probs to email me so i could collate, that crashed my server and email software.

don`t do it, get sony

Matsui DVD 110 Owners Past and Present - Urgent

Matsui refuse to beleive that there are any dvd`s that the 110 is incompatible with, sofar i have found that the three james bond films
OHMSS, LALD, FYEO and the film Supernova and a friend tried Like it is on my player and it would not work either,

can all on the internet let me know what DVD`s your player has problems with and what ones won`t work at all.

i am trying to compile a list of problems and how many people have encountered them.

Please send all info to rekert[at]moc.dlrowltn


Matsui DVD 110 Owners Past and Present - Urgent

Matsui refuse to beleive that there are any dvd`s that the 110 is incompatible with, sofar i have found that the three james bond films
OHMSS, LALD, FYEO and the film Supernova and a friend tried Like it is on my player and it would not work either,

can all on the internet let me know what DVD`s your player has problems with and what ones won`t work at all.

i am trying to compile a list of problems and how many people have encountered them.

Please send all info to rekert[at]moc.dlrowltn


Matsui DVD 110 Owners Past and Present - Urgent

Matsui refuse to beleive that there are any dvd`s that the 110 is incompatible with, sofar i have found that the three james bond films
OHMSS, LALD, FYEO and the film Supernova and a friend tried Like it is on my player and it would not work either,

can all on the internet let me know what DVD`s your player has problems with and what ones won`t work at all.

i am trying to compile a list of problems and how many people have encountered them.

Please send all info to rekert[at]moc.dlrowltn
