Info and forum posts by 'lman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 7th January 2001, 23:47, Last used: Sunday, 7th January 2001, 23:47

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Pioneer 535-530(unofficially) ROCKS!!!!!!

HEHE it rocks
its returned how many times ?

RE: Pioneer 530

"However, you may want to consider the Aiwa 370 and LG 3350`s.
£199 for the Aiwa and up to £249 for the LG, but in my opinion, better buys."

Better buy ? Thats so bullshit- If the 530 is less why not buy it ???
Man im getting Fed up with "AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!"
Do they pay good ? Biased ?

Tell me who built the Aiwa or LG ? who ?
Pioneer is built by ? do THEY let any company join in -NO
Ok let us see how long your Aiwa works - my frends (3) Pioneer`s never died - they r old but r still working - Its quality

Ok my extended Review on Pioneer 535 region-free at 271£ in my contry Norway - it`s expencive i now

Based on 1.5 week with 2 players on a Panasonic TX-32DK20F
Ok thats a 32 WS and it kills my dear old Sony -or any Sony- yeah i now Sony used to be nr1 ,but the Pannasonic is better at 782£.

Its just the best - ok AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS what do you have ?

I dident buy the flat screen PK 1252£ - not much diferent- not worth it
Ok my point is that a with a realy good TV you can see s*** or no s***

Region 2
Matrix, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, Gone in 60 seconds, Armageddon,
Region 1
MI 2, Shaft, Runaway Bride
1 VCR Fight Club - boring :)
Rented 4 movies - in bad shape but it played it flowlessly.

Perfect color/ light/ shadow and Rock hard sound -very good on all CD`s and VCR

Is it noicy ? well on the menu and on the scratched rental layer2 it makes some noice , but it loads the menu and the chapter`s damn FAST

"Noicy and layer change is slow" - EH i dont think so
Yeah sombody complaint about the noice, but on my new cd`s i cant hear a thing, but im not sitting with my ear on the dvd and whatching the movie from there
I just dont trust- buy-try-return it before i now it thing
Talk 2 som1 who dident return - and had it longer than a day or 2

Man get a better TV, and RGB SCART is the best

Pioneer 535(unofficially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: Pioneer 530

I have 535 (its the same only black+ optical-digital out) for a week and it plays all types of cd`s cdr-rw and beat up rental disc`s flowlessly.
I wanted the silver too but theyr soldout :)

I think it got the best picture and sound.
Good remote, built quality is good even if its light
Twin wave laser, RGB scart ,PAL or NTSC-output , in 2 films i notice the layer change delay, but i dosent matter to me and i dont now if its the film or the player.

Buy it !!!