Info and forum posts by 'sammeedo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 11th January 2006, 12:38, Last used: Sunday, 4th February 2007, 12:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Help with HMV

Don`t know if you`ve sorted your troubles with HMV yet but, having troubles with them meself , just got this tele No 0207 4671197 Tom is the name on the other end.

HMV free postage, I don`t think so, on 7" singles

Noticed that HMV states free postage on all items. Before they went to Jersey, or Guernsey, or wherever, you used to be able to get 7" for £1.99 or even less. If you paid the postage on several 7" items, the price of the singles negated the postage costs. And if you bought 10 or 20 items, postage was not a factor. All 7" singles now are £2.99 with free postage. It doesn`t take a genius to work it out that 10 items would cost you £29.99, 10 items at the old price of £1.99 would cost £19.99 plus the postage which was either £3.95 or £5. The trouble is when you go to the store in your local shops you find that prices are £1.99 or even cheaper for the same item. And if you are a student you also get your 10% off.

Seems for some reason, 7" are not on the free postage list. Also, you do not get any bargain price 7" any more. I wonder why they have got it in for the 7"? :o

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible Fat_Blob+ Fat Mouth

Well, I don`t really care what you, and your "The wrong Forum" brigade say. :B I think, there is more to this "The wrong forum" brigade than meets the eye. :o Infact me thinks there maybe a bunch of retailers who are TARGETING these very posts. hmmm 8)

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

I think I know dog dirt when I see, and hear it, and it doesn`t come as half as bad as you does it boy. :B

now my karma`s bad . Nope your breath stinks worse than your arse :B

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

Thanks for the support, What`s KitKash??

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

Or, maybe people are to clever by half, and they really say things because they think their own opinon is more important.

sammeedo, are you always this hostile Do you always talk out your ...... 8)

maybe it`s just Karma and the same with this one, Karma your joking!!MAN :p

Have I walked it to the regular posters nest, you know, talk one, and you talk to the whole.

Talk is cheap and it can get cheaper. .... Hostile ya sure.......ahahah

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

A picture can say a thousands words, but a print means nothing :B You`ve got issues ;)

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

Didn`t apply to my little grey cells at all. So incorrect. :¦ are touting themselves as a bargain bucket opperation. People will always go for the bargain, and like wise, quite a lot of bargains are too good to be true.

RE: Disgraceful+Contemptible

I`ve, already posted a reply on this board before about this company(If you don`t mind) :/ I`am in the process of doing a chargeback, but that doesn`t mean I will win. My update on this matter was to enlighten all that 4CHEAPCDS.COM are disreputable to the extreme. Wether to this board, or any other board. :) Disgraceful+Contemptible

>:( Just got my credit card update have charged me £135 for 3 cds. I ordered 17 cds, received 3 cds and 1 of them was the wrong issue. Sent emails regarding this matter, received nothing in reply. So I don`t think £135 is awfully cheap for 3 cds. B**tards. Buyer beware!!!

RE: - £6.99 chart albums

I would be very careful with regards to these jokers. I ordered 17 CDs before the Christmas deadline and, I still haven`t received 14 of them, and, one that I did receive wasn`t the issue advetised. I`ve tried emailing them 4 times, and got no reply >:( So I`ve got in touch with my credit card company to stop payment. So, see what happens then.
These are Jokers to be sure. Beware!!