Info and forum posts by 'mastershake'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 10th December 2005, 21:14, Last used: Friday, 30th March 2007, 20:07

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder


Does anyone think the Targa DR-5100x could be a Lite-On clone?

If so, could someone (who has the machine) try the remote hack?

I know its a long shot but hey, its worth a go, probably isn`t going to damage anything -

Try the remote hack the dude suggested earlier:

1) Power on the machine

2) Press SETUP

3) Hightlight EXIT

4) Press 2 9 6 0

New menu (hopefully) pops up then chose your required region.

Fingers crossed..

RE: Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder


I want a hack for this machine (DR-5100X) as it does (and has) mostly what I`m after in a recorder..

The only thing that is missing is being able to make it multiregion, I hoped by posting here I would be able to find out how to make it multiregion, or atleast what machine it is a clone of, and then go from there.

This is almost like a last chance thing, if I can`t find a way of doing it, then I`ll look elsewhere, just thought I`d have one last go though before I make my move..


RE: Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder

It seems that way:

Shame no-one ever figured out the hack (or atleast the clone) of the DR-5100X, I`ll probably go with the Ellion..

There is now a DR-5200X out, but it looks identical, and I`d imagine it`ll be locked to region 2.

I can`t believe Targa won`t give out any hints whatsoever..

RE: Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder


I don`t actually own one of these, I`m trying to establish whether they can be made region free first, something that will be a deciding factor if I choose to buy one..

I was hoping that someone who owns one will have replied to this thread by now, or atleast someone who knows which machine it is a clone of..

Judging by the responses from the thread you mentioned, no-one has had any luck with hacks so far..

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th December 2005, 17:33

RE: Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder

Hi Hackeroonie,

Nope, no hacks there for the DR-5100X..

I`m hoping that someone can find out what the machine is a clone of, I reckon that is our best bet..

Anyone else?

Many thanks

Hack for Targa DR-5100x Recorder

Has ANYONE figured out how to make the DR-5100x recorder multiregion yet?

I tried contacting Targa, and all they could say was that it was possible, but they can`t tell me how.

Surely, by now something would have been found out.

What machine is the DR-5100x a clone of?

Finding this out may give us a clue on how to make it region free..

For me, its between this (depending on whether it can be made region-free, or an Ellion DVR-535S

Anyone? (know the clone of the Targa / opinions on the Ellion..)

By the way, sorry about the double post..

..I feel this recorder deserves its own thread (rather than being tagged onto the DP-5100X player hack thread) and besides, the other thread seemed kind of dead - hopefully this will breathe some life into it and we can finally sort it out.


RE: This Hack for Targa 5100x WORKS

Has ANYONE figured out how to make the DR-5100x recorder multiregion yet?

I tried contacting Targa, and all they could say was that it was possible, but they can`t tell me how.

Surely, by now something would have been found out.

What machine is the DR-5100x a clone of?

Finding this out may give us a clue on how to make it region free..

For me, its between this (depending on whether it can be made region-free, or an Ellion DVR-530S

Anyone? (know the clone / opinions on the Ellion..)
