Info and forum posts by 'bascule the rascule'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 20:49, Last used: Wednesday, 27th December 2000, 20:49

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Part time geek

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: AIWA 370? How do I get one?

just bought a nice silver one this very afternoon.
Ring 0845 6007002 comet cental helpline, I spoke a girl called Debbie, she was great, arranged everything, stuck my name on it, 15 mile drive and slide it where my Wharfdale used to be.
Give em a call.

Jimbo Rocks for sure

RE: Dixv conversion2

use virtualdub 1.4c this will allow recompression using any installed codec on your PC. Files using standard AVI compression will be massive though. You may well go beyond the 2Gb limit.
Use Tmpgenc to compress as an mpeg, then try vcdgear, it may allow to convert back to an AVI, dunno, never tried.

RE: Dixv conversion

use tmpenc, it will make the files valid as vcd compliant mpeg1

RE: Dixv conversion

haven`t tried either, but will have a look.
oh, and get an Athlon, 800 or so should be fine, it will shave serious time off your conversion times. Motherboard, Look around for the MSi K7t Pro2, Microstar make very good boards, not always the ultimate fastest, but very, very stable, which is what you want with anything up to a 6 hour process.

RE: AIWA 370 - Any one used COMET online ordering?

I ordered one on Wednesday night, had a call saying i couldn`t have one till next Wednesday, more a delivery thing than a supply thing.
No confirmation e-mail as promised yet, and they also pointed out that where you get the option on the website for extra instructions for the delivery man, well, he won`t be able to read them as they will not be given to him. cool eh!

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th December 2000, 21:20

RE: Dixv conversion

Clad takes about 15-20 minutes.
flask takes 4-6 hours depending on CPU and movie.
Virtualdub takes up to 2 hours.
Tmpenc will take about 90 min per hour of movies.
nero takes no time at all.
I`m in the habit of setting things off and going to bed or work, so to me, it takes no time at all.
The results are well worth it.

RE: Dixv conversion

I`ve done quite a few "back ups" of DVD`s, it all works brilliantly, even allowing me to play the VCD`s on my wharfdale 750 (classic).
Claddvd to rip Vob to HDD
Flaskmpeg to convert to AVI.
VirtualDub to compress AC3 audio.
TMPenc to produce VCD compliant Mpeg1
Nero5 to burn back up copies.
They also play in my Napa Dav309 VCD player.