Info and forum posts by 'Bablos'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 24th December 2000, 15:40, Last used: Sunday, 24th December 2000, 15:40

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Mission FS2-AV - demos in the North West?

Hi There...

I like the looks of the FS2-AV package, but as it costs £800 I thought
I`d best have a listen to it with a few DVDs and CDs first. Does
anyone know of any shop in the North West that stock the speaker
package, and have it available for demonstration? I haven`t been able
to find anywhere.


Richer Sounds speaker packages - any good?

I`ve finally convinced myself to indulge in either;

a) a Yamaha DSP-A5
b) a Sherwood RVD6095RDS or
c) a Sony STRDB940

As I`m a complete beginner, I don`t have any speakers, and so can`t
just choose to upgrade. Rather than face the hassle of trying to
choose speakers that match up with eachother, I figured that the best
direction to head in was a package deal.

Richer are doing their usual collection of speaker packages, but
are they any good? I`ve got a bizarrely shaped room that the amp will
sit it - bay windows, chimney breasts, lots of corners, non-central
TV, so I`d like to choose something which will be able to adapt to
such surroundings with ease. The room`s not that big either, so I`m
not sure how invasive a full set of speakers can become.

Any comments or suggestions would be most welcome.


AMP & Speakers - What would YOU buy?

Hi There...

Given the following amounts of cash, what amp/speaker set up would you
indulge in, assuming you already had a DVD player with onboard DTS/DD
decoders (Pioneer 626D), and a PS2 (no decoders, but digital out);

1) £250

2) £500

3) £750

4) £1000

I know there`s quite a difference, but a) I haven`t a clue how much I
want to spend, and b) I`d like to get an idea of what`s available. If
you answer, could you give me an idea of why you would choose the
equipment you do?


Budget TV & DVD - suggestions?

Hi There...

A friend of mine currently has a very minimalist entertainment system,
which adds up to a 14" portable TV. Not much, huh?

He`s just got himself a Visa card, with a 500.00 limit, and so the
first things he wants to treat himself to is a) DVD player, and b)
bigger TV. He also wants to invest in a mini stereo, so he won`t be
wanting to blow his limit on the TV/DVD.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for a TV & DVD player for around
350.00 to 400.00? I started out by giving him a Richer Sounds
catalogue so that he can check out the budget DVD players, and pointed
him in the direction of the likes of Asda for budget TVs.

Any ideas? Anyone know what the Richer Sounds budget DVD players are
like? Himage/Logix etc? TV-wise, I haven`t got a clue.

All help would be greatly appreciated!


RE: What shall i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, exactly the same problem I`ve got!

The thing is always comes down to is cash - exactly how much do you
plan to spend in order to turn your house into a home cinema

I`d more or less decided on the Videologic Digitheatre - everywhere I
read about it, it was getting rave reviews. It was an all in one
package, and it was a decent price too! Then I heard from the other
side of the fence - the Digitheatre is primiarily manufactured for
computers, you`re limiting yourself to future expansion, and you can
kit yourself out with an AV amp and some nice speakers for a similar
amount of money.

So, from a personal point of view, I`m heading towards the amp/speaker
solution - you have much more to choose from, and you can
update/expand at your own leisure.

As for what to go for, I haven`t a clue myself even. I`ve got hold of
the latest catalogue for Richer Sounds, and you can kit yourself out
with a solution for under 200 quid, but you could also end up spending
an absolute fortune.

I`d love it if there was a guide for what people thought where the
best combinations of amp/speakers within a given price range, but if
there is, I haven`t found it.

RE: Time to upgrade - where do I go?

Nope, I don`t have any hifi separates in the room - it`s a direction
I`d like to head in too, so it looks like indulging in an amp and
speakers, as opposed to an all-in-one solution. Having said that, I`ve
been reading alot about the Videologic Digitheatre, and it seems very
highly thought of - what could you achive in separates for the same

Price-wise, I haven`t got a clue - does it vary horrifically, or is
there obvious kit to aim for if you have a particular amount to spend?
If I spend 300.00, or spend 800.00, what kind of difference can I
expect? I wouldn`t know how much to aim for - ideally I could do with
a `here`s a 300.00 system, here`s a 500.00 system, and here`s a 700.00
system - see what`s best`.

Time to upgrade - where do I go?

Hi There...

I currently have the following equipment;

1) Toshiba 2987DB Dolby Pro-Logic TV.
2) Pioneer 626D DVD player.
3) PlayStation2.

I`d like to invest in a decent amp/speaker setup, but I haven`t got a
clue how much I`d want to spend, or what to go for. This is where you
guys come in!

My DVD player has got DTS/DD decoders built in, but the PS2 obviously
hasn`t. I`ll be using the Pioneer for watching DVDs, but I don`t know
what direction PS2 games are likely to head in, and whether we`re
likely to see DTS enabled games.

The room I use this machines in is relatively small, and the TV isn`t
central in the room. The one thing I notice with the majority of the
DVDs I play is that I have to play with the volume constantly -
watching normal TV, the volume is typically at 20-21, whilst watching
a DVD, we have to crank it up to around 30 for dialog, and then down
to around 26 for action scenes - is this likely to just be a balance
issue with the TVs current speakers? If I move onto a complete
surround set of speakers, will I be able to control the volume levels
so that they`re more well spread, and so that I don`t have to keep
lowering and highering the volume all of the time?

Hope you can help!
