Info and forum posts by 'beakshill'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 4th July 2005, 17:40, Last used: Sunday, 17th July 2005, 08:44

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Kwik Save COMPACKS DVD-101 RECORDER £69.99!!!

It burns only DVD+R/RW media; Won`t playback media recorded in the DVD-R/RW format;

Could you please explain what is wrong with this? Are you suggesting that they sell original copy DVD- dvd`s in the shops that will not work on this machine. Could you also explain what the adavantage would be to record the TV with the DVD- format? I assumed that all commercial dvds are DVD+ so why doesn`t everyone just use DVD+. Is it just the case that if someone made a pirate copy of a film in DVD- format then it wouldn`t work on all players but if it was done in DVD+ format then it would work on all?

Kwik Save COMPACKS DVD-101 RECORDER £69.99!!!

I went to buy one of the £89.99 ones at my local branch (stirchley in Brum) and they didn`t have any left. They offered me an alternative one that scanned for £69.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No idea how good it is but the model is called COMPACKS DVD-101. Does anyone know if it is any good?

RE: Cello R100LB DVD recorder - £89.99 Kwik Save

I went to buy one at my local branch (stirchley in Brum) and they didn`t have any left. They offered me an alternative one that scanned for £69.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No idea how good it is but the model is called COMPACKS DVD-101. Does anyone know if it is any good?

RE: Dvd recorder with divx play back at under £100

heres the link ref the machine and divx ref the me model

That link says `mu` not `me`!
Thanks to the people who have explained DIVX. In view of a new original DVD costing £20 and a copied DVD costing 20p, I`m not sure why you would want a lower quality DIVX recording when you have already saved £19.80. Isn`t it worth paying an extra 15p per film for one film per disc instead of putting 4 films on one disc? Doesn`t it just defeat the object of having a DVD player if you use DIVX or have i missed the plot?

RE: Dvd recorder with divx play back at under £100

DivX is a compressed file format for video files, you can fit say 5 films on one DVD with comparatively little loss of quality (as ever with lossy formats there`s a trade-off between space saving and quality loss)

pavlovspooch. Thanks for the explanation. So it`s a liitle bit like putting several cd`s on one disk by using mp3`s i guess?
With divx do you still get the same picture update rate, same picture detail, 5.1 sound (when copied from original dvd) etc? Is the quality loss no worse than that of mp3`s. Do they make retail disks with divx format or is this format just useful for those new titles available from the bloke in the pub and car boot sales?

RE: Dvd recorder with divx play back at under £100

Been into my local asda and seen they were selling the cyberhome dvr1600 dvd recorder @ £99.96 i know the me model will record on -r and +r +rw discs too and play divx if you go to get one make sure it s the me model

Hi there, thanks for the post. I was thinking of getting a cheapo dev recorder. As you appear to be in the know can you please explain a few more things;

How do i recognise the `me` model?
What`s so special about the `me` model that i have to make sure i get that one?
Do ASDA have a mixture of `me` and non `me` ones then?
How do you know it plays divx?
What does divx mean? Is it to do with the ability to play any disc of any region and format?
Will it play 5.1 on a TV with built in 5.1?

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

For those with hard-of-understanding.... I meant was "don`t listen to the negative people"

Now Now...... This is my 1st time on this great site.

To save reading this whole post, here`s the summary;--


SFBANKS had a great post marred only by a lack of rules on the offer.
IDIOT misreads the post ($25 limit) and thinks of the most wicked get rich quick scam out. This becomes get rich a little slower (assuming $25 per transaction) again marred only by the lack of knowledge that you can use the code only once whether you used the full $25 allowance or not.
SFBANKS becomes mr angry and appears to unjustifiably think that IDIOT is critising when he`s actually commending SFBANKS.
Everyone thinks it`s a great post but a few think that because SFBANKS gets agressive that somone has been negative towards him. People start to join in SFBANK`s defence and support by wrongly assuming that someone must have been critical towards him!
BUFFY doesn`t read the whole post and assumes that lots of people have been negative and joins in the support against the non-existent negative member or comments.
IDIOT gets upset and is very appolgetic for upsetting people but feels hard done by and rightly misunderstood. IDIOT also states in one of his posts that he has learning difficulties (could be autism, he is obviously very clever but takes things literally and states he is good mathematically). IDIOT therefore takes BUFFY`s comments literally (ie. don`t listen to everyone elses positive comments).
BUFFY then throws the final insult at IDIOT by saying "For those with hard-of-understanding.... I meant was "don`t listen to the negative people" She said this after IDIOT was brave enough to appologise and say he has learning difficulties!!!! You can see why IDIOT misunderstood when there are no negative comments except for the ones from SFBANKS AND BUFFY towards IDIOT.

In summary;- there are many mis-readers of this post which have lead to many inappropriate responses including SFBANKS`s and BUFFY`s agressive response to IDIOT. IDIOT did make a harmless mistake that wasn`t critical of anyone. BUFFY must feel so guilty with her response to IDIOT for taking her comments literally when he has learning difficulties. BUFFY then throws the biggest insult although i expect she never meant it and just didn`t read IDIOTS full story.

Moral of the story. Read posts fully before you respond. Many upsets are caused by misunderstandings!

SFBANKS- don`t assume everyone is out to criticise you. The post is full of positive comments. You started the negative ones!
BUFFY- read the posts carefully next time before you drop your foot in it. I`m sure IDIOT now understands your mistake and realises that you are not really so heartless.
IDIOT- Please understand that if the others had read your posts properly they wouldn`t have been so unfriendly towards you. If you think of any SCAMS that work, please let me know!

I suggest that you all stop bickering now, make friends and live happily ever after.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 21:47